The Blue Fox Shuffle

The Blue Fox Shuffle has been created to add color and commentary to the American and World Music scene. No matter where we come from or what we do, there will always be the music. And these sounds and tunes will be as diverse and as fantastic as the people who create them. So come along and enjoy the journey. Or as the Jefferson Airplane once said, "Go ride the music."

Painting by William Henry Johnson called Harlem Cityscape with Church
Painting by William Henry Johnson called Harlem Cityscape with Church

Harlem Cityscape with Church by W. H. Johnson

About the Shuffle

Welcome to the Blue Fox Shuffle, the home to offbeat observations, commentary and news, concerning the contemporary music scene in the USA and places elsewhere..

Digital artwork, the art of Jazz
Digital artwork, the art of Jazz

Recent Posts

“Some of its magic, some its tragic, but I've had a good life along the

- Jimmy Buffett

A color photograph of a sunset in Back Cove near Portland, Maine
A color photograph of a sunset in Back Cove near Portland, Maine

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